Erro with recent released API: Can not resolve @plugins/gl-particles module
I noticed that after the release of the new version of the Windy API, the particle system is not working at all. When the page first loads, there is no particles displayed. When the map is reloaded during navigation, the whole map crashes.
Here is an screenshot of the error I get:
This is a similar issue reported today by another user today (see post). In my case, even with a professional key, the issue with the API happens.
Could you please take a look into this issue?
Thank you,
Thiago Gabriel -
@Thiago-Gabriel Thanks for the report! Can you please send me a link with running API? I need to replicate the bug to fix it. Thanks!
@marekd Hei, thanks for the reply. It is tricky for us to share the running API, since we have authentication+sensitive data from clients in the app. I tracked down the error to a Leaflet.CanvasLayer "extend" call inside the gl-particles module. Is this info of any help for you?
@Thiago-Gabriel Unfortunately not :-( I reverted API to the old version until we will fix all the issues. Please, prepare me some playground without user data where I can replicate the bug, otherwise I am not able to help you. Leaflet extend method is too generic and used everywhere.
@marekd Getting same issue can you help?
@Siddharth-Anand Hi, would be possible to share further info about the situation and your web app, where our API is implemented at support[@] I can forward it to colleagues, but we need to know what is the issue specifically and where to find it.
This is the script and i am getting Can not resolve @plugins/gl-particles module TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'extend') and Failed to load/open: gl-particles TypeError:
@Ondřej-Šutera "const options = {
// Required: API key
key: "", // REPLACE WITH YOUR KEY !!!// Put additional console output verbose: true, // Optional: Initial state of the map lat: 50.4, lon: 14.3, zoom: 2, }; // Initialize Windy API windyInit(options, (windyAPI) => { // windyAPI is ready, and contain 'map', 'store', // 'picker' and other usefull stuff const { map, store, picker, overlays, broadcast } = windyAPI; L.popup().setLatLng([50.4, 14.3]).setContent("Hello World").openOn(map); });"
@Siddharth-Anand, Could you please send the app, where you have Windy API implemented and your case when the error occurs?
@Ondřej-Šutera Hi, has anyone solved it? I have a project in react in which I load the mapWindy with a useEffect (I load it once at the beginning), but I get the same error as with the particles