City ecmwf temperature change with zoom
I write form Veneto, Italy
ecmwf have a problem with display of temperature
icon and gfs work correct with zooming
City Rovigo Temperature change with zoom . Zoomed temperature is correct
City Rovigo show 22°C at 10am and is not correct , but zooming show the correct temperature
Temperature change with zooming and with deep zooming there is the correct temperature
I don’t see any problem when zooming.
BTW Temperatures below city name is not observed temperatures but the temperature predicted by the model. So what is the correct temperature and the wrong one?
If you want to have observed temperatures, select Reported temperature which are measured temperature at weather stations. -
using google chrome ecmwf temperature is correct
using microsoft edge there is a problem with temperature
temperature displayed with microsoft edge are wrong everyvere
only with zoom we find rigth temperatureis a problem of microsoft edge browser or you ?
@marco-astolfi Hello, could you please post a short video showing this issue?