ECMWF 6 hour forecast is bad
- Is all the 4 time updates (every 6 hours for ECMWF) directly coming from ECMWF?
or, ECMWF provide updates to 2 times daily?
After that you make 4 times from their data?I am asking, because ECMWF was working fine in the last year while I was in free user. But I subscribed as a premium user to get more accurate data.
But unfortunately I am very unhappy and most of the time forecast are not matching.
Please answer my questions in the above. If this continuously happens I will unsubscribe from the premium.
@galaxypoint Hello, is this post still relevant?
Yes, ECMWF offers update 4 times a day, we get the data directly.
If the current model you are using does not provide suitable results, I would recommend to try other available models for your area, as they might be a better fit.
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