First run of app does not have the white bar with hourly forecast
No apps are running. I open it from the left to right swipe widget screen on iOS. I have to kill the app and then open it again and then it's there. Usually happens when I haven't looked at the weather for a few hours. Not convenient when u have a very weak, low data, network connection in the boonies, but I'm experiencing it on WiFi today as well. Just started happening the last couple of weeks.
With iOS app, in Settings -> start-up layer and location -> start-up location -> Select your location that you have previously defined as a favorite.
Then after swiping the screen to the left, click on the widget. It directly opens the map and the detailed forecast with the timeline at your location. -
@idefix37, but I have not changed anything. I actually don't know how to change the layers and have always gone with just opening the app. I am not selecting anything, I just want to see the weather where I'm standing! This is what happens on startup (simulated by deleting the white bar hourly info).
I then kill the app and when I open it a second time, it shows this hourly overlay(?), again without me doing anything.
@sundog2710-0 Hello, if you open Windy through widget, the app will show detailed forecast for the place, which is set in the widget = it will show the hourly overlay. If you open the app from the screen, it will show the location you have as your start-up.
What is the issue exactly?