Wind observation graphs
For wind related sports, monitoring wind observations is usually very important. While current readings are the most important bit of information, and are already displayed well in the map & with more detail in more-overs and the station detail view, the wind history is currently only available as a very minimalist color coded bar. Example use cases:
- Planning: Judge the recent tendency, for example to follow a sea breeze build.
- Analysis: Check how windy a period was, for example after a kite or sailing session.
- Include a small graph of recent wind strengths in the station mouse-over. Example from ikitesurf:
These quick graphs are very useful for the planning use case in particular, on desktop where mouse-over is supported. - Expand the station view wind section into a graph. This is useful for planning on mobile (no mouse-over), and for analysis later. If space is a concern, then this could perhaps be a user preference, similar to the unit switch? A graph similar to what is used for air pressure would work great, with additional gust markers.
Alternatively, have a separate more detailed view of station data that shows wind strengths as a graph.
@gwicke Thank you, we may consider some changes to stations detail.
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