New sounding with radiosonde measurements
We have released new sounding plugin. It took us a while, but we firmly believe it was worth the wait.
What's new:- radiosonde measurements, so not only the forecast, but also the actual measured values with a two-week history (a huge thanks to @mhaberler, @rittels, @wetterheidi and others for their help and giving Windy their awesome radiosonde plugin)
- skew-T log-P diagram support and "non-skew-t" improvements (inspirated by @vicb, @rittels and @johnckealy amazing plugins - thanks!)
- multiple forecast models
- fullscreen support
- mouse tool for finding thermals conditions
- cloud estimation based on relative humidity
- ability to zoom (and drag when zoom is applied)
Are you missing any additional functionality? Do you have an idea for improvement? Did you find a bug? Please let us know! -
@marekd awesome job the skew-t tool is fantastic. i think it could be improved by adding the ability to overlay model soundings on top of observed soundings like in the radiosonde plugin.
Brilliant, thank you so much!
Did you find a bug? Please let us know!
I use feet in settings, but the sounding tool displays the altitude in metres with the suffix "ft". Correct altitude in feet would be great.
@wwat Thanks for the feedback! Yes, we plan to add a comparison of radiosonde measurements and sounding forecast. It will be in the next version.
@ajbeevers Oops, will be fixed soon, thanks for the report!
Kudos an die Entwickler!
Das Rado-Sonde-Programm ist genau das, was wir für diejenigen von uns brauchen, die sich nicht auf offizielle Wetterprognosen verlassen können. Es ist wahr, dass einige meteorologische Kenntnisse erforderlich sind, um die gewünschten Daten aus dem Diagramm zu erhalten.
Andernfalls ist es an der Zeit, dass Luftraumnutzer etwas anderes lernen, als Vorhersagen blind zu vertrauen und sich dann zu wundern, dass sie nicht zutreffen.Da ich mich auch mit Hagelabwehr beschäftige, ist dies ein Tool, das uns sehr bei der Vorhersage der Wolkenentwicklung und Prognosen für die nächsten Tage hilft. In dieser Saison nehme ich Windy versuchsweise in das Programm auf, um das Team bei der Hagelabwehr zu unterstützen.
Wenn einer der Entwickler ein Plug-in mit Anbindung an das Flugzeugradar entwickelt hätte, wäre das Kitsch gewesen. Ich werde nach der Saison mit Ihnen sprechen, wenn ich sehen werde, wie die Integration neuer Tools in unsere Arbeit gelaufen ist. -
One more suggestion for the next version would be to add the ability to see the point values from the map you are on whilst the sounding is open (as in the radiosonde plugin )
Also noticed this small typo
Thanks again for your great work the plugin is awesome
New sounding, great.
Small bug. When clicking on the map the layer gets reset to temperature instead of whatever was previously selected, eg "forecasted weather".
It would be good if the zoom/scroll of the sounding window didn't reset either. This makes it hard to compare soundings for different spots. (As a paraglider pilot, I want to be able to look at the soundings for different parts of the country to help make a decision which site to go to.)
Fantastic work from your team.
I wanted to add my support for @wwat comment regarding displaying the SkewT profile from the "weather picker" location as opposed to having to mouse click - "sounding" at the new location.
I too would like the option to alternate between the units metres<>feet.
The ability to click on models (individually selected) to add plot overlay would an A+.
Truly appreciate the work all developers are putting into this top-shelf platform.
Thank you all for your suggestions and reports!
@wwat To keep picker open is a good idea. Typo is fixed :-)
@jancellor That is a little unfortunate behavior. When you open the sounding plugin, it switches selected POI to radiosonde layer (so it shows all measurements on the map). So it changes currently selected POI layer ("forecasted weather" in your case). We will try to figure it out somehow, but I am affraid the only solution would be to not switch to radiosonde layer. To keep zoom when model is selected is quite easy. We will try to do something about it.
@stitch We will consider to use picker instead of map pointer. It is good idea. Switching units is also good idea. We would like to add comparing tool for radiosonde measurement and a forecast, but we have currently no plan to compare multiple models with each other. Anyway, I added it to "possible improvements in the future" list :-)
Found a bug of sorts.....there is a problem displaying the temperature plot near the surface (base) on the SkewT plot when the surface temp >40C.
I can't drag the SkewT plot any further to the left to allow >40C be displayed on the temp (base) axis.
See example
@stitch You can use fullscreen on a wide display as a quick workaround. Will be fixed.
Hi, please could tell us how you can use AROME as model for sounding forecast?Windy uses the 1.3 km version of AROME data. This version provides data at ground level, not in higher levels. So how this version can show a sounding forecast?
Or do you use the 2.5 km version which provides data at high levels? -
@idefix37 As usual, you discovered an insidious bug :-) Thank you! Of course we do not have Arome meteogram for 1.3km resultion. Showed data are ECMWF :facepalm:
Since Arome has a forecast only for a few days, we fill the rest with ECMWF data. Unfortunately, this behaviour was also reflected in the meteogram and we did not notice it. Shame on us. Thanks a lot! Will be fixed soon. -
Don't worry, you have carried a very sophisticated development. It's normal there are some glitches.
It is really a fantastic tool, even if I have not really a need for it, being more interested by weather at sea level :) -
And another issue with resetting. When you click somewhere on the map it resets the position of the map so that the clicked location is in the centre. This is a problem if you click near the edge of the areas of a particular model, because the map recentres on the point, then the model switches to another model because it considers the view to be outside the range of what is applicable for that model.
For example, choose ICON-D2, sounding, then click on Gloucester in the UK. The map scrolls so that Gloucester is in the centre of the non-sounding part of the map, then the model switches to ICON-EU. (I think it is using the centre of the whole screen - including the portion of the map that is hidden by the sounding pop-up - to determine whether the model can be used. So you have two inconsistent definitions of centre.)
@jancellor Thanks, will be fixed into next version.
@marekd hi, it seems there's no timeline panning. This way I can't see how the weather evolves, I cannot filter out good and bad moments, minimums and maximums. Please help.
With new sounding the timeline is still available on desktop in browser version.
But not in the mobile app.