New sounding with radiosonde measurements
I use the sounding option a lot for flight planning. It is a great tool and its handling has been improved over time. Thanks for that.
In the latest version, the altitude shown on the left side when moving with the cursor along the curve is in meters and not in feet.
The CCL and LCL on the bottom are also in meters.Can this please changed back to feet, i.e. tie the units to the global app setting?
All other altitudes in the app are given in feet.
Ahh, ok there is an altitude and elevation setting. The elevation was set to "ft" and the altitude to "m".
I haven't had that issue before, so I reckon one of them was recently introduced?! Would be interesting to learn what use case benefits from having different units for elevation and altitude.Another topic. It would be great to have the option of changing the left axis from pressure to altitude.
Thanks for your big efforts, if cape and other thermodynamic indices are added it will be great such as total of totals and cape and so on
@Gkikas-LGPZ said in New sounding with radiosonde measurements:
The switch turns the sounding diagram in a "skew-T" form.
That means that isotherms (constant temperature lines) are “skewed” to the right as they go up in altitude.
For a tutorial on "skew-T diagram",
read you! The switch turns the diagram into a "skew-T."
Awesome, awesome job. Hands down one of the best apps ever!!! I only just discovered the zoom view! Thankyou for making this info accessible.
Why not provide the model with a layer thickness of 1000-500 hPa and provide the model with a layer height of 1000 hPa and its temperature always with the temperature at sea level and its pressure?
I can't find the answer to my question. Why is the wind direction with the arrow at the right side different of the direction when you point the red curve ? ! As you can see, It says wind comes from 10° and the arrow shows 45°. What am I missing ?
6 km/h 10° is about wind.
And the wind arrow shows wind from East at 20kt.
Normally it must show 36km/h 90°.
I tried to replicate it but I couldn't. -
...... probably the wind shown (6 km/h 10 degrees)
is the wind on surface.
Location's elevation is 632m but sounding's data are for 949 hPa=583m.
So, the model's wind at 583m in the free atmosphere is from east at 20kt
but as 583m is lower than surface (elev. 632m) it shows surface wind. -
@marekd I've been using the Windy sounding more and more and it's been a great help. Two things I'd love to see that would help with precipitation forecasting:
- An option to display the calculated wet-bulb temperature; the trace will always sit between Td and Ta.
- An option to display the calculated Frost Point temperature. This is equivalent to dew point but based on relative humidity with respect to ice rather than liquid water. It is often between Td and Ta but can be higher than Ta in cases of supersaturation with respect to ice.
These would be a huge help and should be able to be derived from the existing Ta and Td measurements in the sounding.
Where can I find some explanation or help?