Windy wants to know your opinion!
Thank you windy You're doing absolutely amazing job.
Completed my survey as well in starting.,
Windy is an amazing weather app that provides highly accurate and detailed weather information for any location around the world. The user interface is well-designed, intuitive, and easy to navigate. The app offers a wide range of features including live weather radar, satellite imagery, wind and temperature maps, and much more.
I am grateful to the wind. You're doing an absolutely incredible job, and I'd really appreciate it if the back-end staff who are working on the project could share some informative updates with me. Once more, many thanks, and I hope all goes well for you. Maintain this forward motion at all costs.
Survey complete! Thanks for all the hard work y'all put in.
The wind has my eternal gratitude. You guys are doing a fantastic job, and I'd love it if the people in the background working on the project could give me some updates. Again, I appreciate it, and I wish you the best. Keep moving forward no matter what happens.
The wind has my eternal gratitude. You guys are doing a fantastic job, and I'd love it if the people in the background working on the project could give me some updates. Again, I appreciate it, and I wish you the best. Keep moving forward no matter what happens.
Thanks a lot, gusty You guys are doing a fantastic job, and I really value the updates and information that the support staff provides. Again, my sincere appreciation, and best of success to you. Let's hope we can keep this going.
Thank you windy You're doing absolutely amazing job, I would highly appreciated the backhand staff who are doing completely share informative updates. Thank you once again I wish you best of luck Keep this momentum goes on.
Hello Windy, While I don't have personal opinions, I'm here to help answer questions, provide information, or assist with any topic you have in mind. Feel free to ask anything, and I'll do my best to assist you.
I'm using from many years and find it as very helpful, however last time I have a problem with Support team which is not responding. Please find below my email which is self explanatory:
I cannot restore my Premium version despite a payment made. You have confirmed this payment by attached invoice and your e-mail.
I cannot made a restoration of the Premium version via a Website, I’m receiving an announcement (free translation):
“Your subscription is no longer active. It has probably expired or been canceled by you. If you believe this is an error, please email the invoice you received with your purchase to support ( at )” I believe this is an error as I bought subscription few days ago for 1-year.Following your instruction I have send to you 3-emails at 21st, 23rd, 24th Jan 2024, however there is no reaction from you side. Are you working there?
Waiting your immediate reaction!
Immediate reaction… hmmm.
Please note that members of the Windy team generally do not consult the community forum outside of office hours. You will therefore have to wait at least wait until Monday. -
Hello @RobertGdy, I am sorry about this error on my end probably. I remember your email but I cannot find any answer and I am not sure how this could happen. However, I already sent steps how to connect your new Premium purchase with your account.
Přeji pěkný den.
Moje spokojenost s vaší službou za posledních šest let byla úžasná ale od chvíle kdy jste zavedli placenou verzi se na vaší předpověd nedá spolehnout. Nevím jak to vypadá v placené verzi ale bez palcené verze je to tragedie jednek při srovnání s ostatními předpovědními mapami tak i v realitě která ten den je. Napište mi jestli kvalitní info dáváte pouze do placené verze????? Pokud bude tento stav pokračovat budu nucen odhlásit se z vašeho účtu a používat jinou verzi počasí zdarma. Toto není pouze muj názor ale žijeme v komunitě lidí kteří cestují po Evropě v obytných vozech a podnikáme výlety na kolech i pěšší tůry. Zadlouhých šest let jsmne se na vaši předpověd mohli spolehnout. Zdraví a a byl bych potěšen kdyby se cosi změnilo a vaše info o počasí se vrátilo na ůroveň před rokem.toto je dnešní realita a toto je vaše předpověď
Stejná lokalita a odlišnost stoprocentní. Děkuji za jakoukoli odpověd Zdeněk Janáček imel.
@Bydlik Dobrý den Zdeňku, můžu Vám potvrdit, že co se týče kvality předpovědi, tak mezi Premiem a free verzí není rozdíl. Mohu jen doporučit kontrolovat více modelů než jen jeden a osobně bych doporučil lokální modely jako je například ICON-D2, který má rozlišení 2.2 km, pro porovnání ECMWF má 9 km.
@Korina This app will not save my settings. I want it to start in a particular town, but it always opens up in the city across the Salish Sea. I have to change this setting every day. Very unfriendly app in this matter.
Do you confirm you are talking about the mobile app for phones or tablets ?
In this case in your device settings did you enable GPS for Windy ? -
@trajo Yes, my phone app is perfect, but I like to look at a big screen, plus the phone app is not quite as friendly. everything is too small, and you have to move the entire screen around to catch where the wind or temperatures are.
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D David Polášek unpinned this topic