Show fronts on isobar map
I like seeing the isobars on my map. I would love it if you could show the fronts As well. Thanks!
@midtoad I’d like to see this too, but saw this discussed here some time ago and, if I recall correctly, the response was that that would require hiring a meteorologist to plot the fronts. Sounded kind of crazy, but there we are. Lacking fronts is a serious shortcoming especially in such a comprehensive weather app.
@korina But you already do display non-forecast model data! weather warnings! Weather warnings are not from any forecast model dataset so I don't understand why this 'non-forecast model data' is always the answer when fronts are brought up. Fronts are available in several other weather websites/apps (, radaromega are just two)and the fronts come via the weather services (e.g. NWS in the US, UK met office, etc). Please consider adding rather than saying you can't display it.
@stevegregg That is a valid point, and we do not rule out that we will display fronts in the future once we have a reliable source. Thank you for your feedback.
@midtoad There may be a dataset that Windy could pull (perhaps from NOAA) that includes fronts, but the model data doesn't draw fronts. In most instances they are added by a human meteorologist as part of an analysis.
Personally, if fronts are added I would like them being displayed to be optional on the isobar map. As a meteorologist I prefer to do the analyis/interpretation myself.
I idefix37 referenced this topic on