New Premium Widget
Updated app last night and installed new premium widget. When opening my iPad the following appears.
iPad iOS 15.6
Thanks -
Hello @northviewsp ,
try just opening the Windy app for a few seconds and check the widget again. This widget condition occurs when the widget does not have your "premium key".
Please make sure you are in the app under a premium account and we have an internet connection, alternatively try logging out and logging back in.Let me know if that helped.
I got the same red widget during few seconds after modifying the widget model. Then it went back to normal. -
@idefix37 said in New Premium Widget:
I got the same red widget during few seconds after modifying the widget model. Then it went back to normal.
There was also an error message "Open the Windy app"?
May be but not sure. I’ll to replicate it, on iPhone. -
I have replicated it when modifying the widget and changing the model. On iPad.But after about less than 10s it comes back to normal.
@simonurbanek Thanks for the support! The error message in the red box widget consistently reads “ Open Windy App”, which is different than the error message you displayed while replicating. Additionally my error message doesn’t revert to a normal widget no matter how much time elapsed. The only way I can revert to the desired widget is to click the circle arrow in the red widget.
Thanks again! -
@idefix37 Yes, that's fine, the widget doesn't have data from the server yet, so it has nothing to display ( it happens when there is a slower internet connection or a longer response time from the server ).
@northviewsp I do thank you for reporting the bug. I will connect my iPad to console and try to find out what the problem is. Can I ask if you have iCloud enabled? ( It's not a necessity to have iCloud, but it would help me in detecting the bug). Is it the Premium Forecast widget or the Premium Hour Forecast widget ?
@simonurbanek Thanks again! In answer to your questions; iCloud is connected and it is the premium hour forecast widget.
Additionally with all the same conditions it does appear on my iPhone 12 also but resolves within a minute to normal behavior. -
So, if I understand correctly, the widget on the iPad has also been fixed?
I looked to see where the problem might be and the only place is in storing the "premium key" on disk. In that case though, it is suspicious that the premium account information is available. The other place where it could fail is a bad restore of the "premium key", from our servers, but if premium works for you in the app, then the "premium key" is fine. -
@simonurbanek Thanks. The condition hasn’t resolved on iPad. I mentioned iPhone only as a comparison of different results.
Thanks again! -
@northviewsp On iPad the condition still exists. Please continue to help fix this bug.
This isn't working on the iphone. I just have a "Open the windy app" which is already open.
It's just a red screen. Even after some time with both of them open.
When you click the little arrow circle it just opens the app instead of refreshing the data in the widget.
I'm trying to add the 2nd widget in the list. (Premium Forecast Widget)
I'm gonna do a check of the entire widget premium system today. I hope to find the problem as soon as possible. For now try the following.Please make sure your device has enough disk space and you have internet connection before doing the following steps.
- Remove the widget, delete the windy app and restart the device ( restart will clear the system cache )
- Install the Windy app and turn it on ( don't log in yet )
- Add the Premium forecast widget, it will be red, but that's ok ( The widget should display the message "Login Windy app" )
- Open Windy and log in. After logging in, wait about 10 seconds ( to sync with the widget )
- Check the widget, it should work now. ( Give it a moment to download the forecast from the server ).
If it didn't work, please send us ( or me in a private message if you don't want to share publicly ) a video of the widget, then turning on the windy ( turning it on, not waking it up from the backgrounder ), and then the widget again.
I hope this helps as a workaround and I'll keep you posted on the progress on the troubleshooting from our side.
@simonurbanek Many thanks ! Will advise.
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