Android Widget Error
Any thoughts on why it's so cold mid-summer?
Android 9 (Pie)
Qualcomm Snapdragon 835 -
@dydxdx Hi. Can you please specify your windy version? We are currently releasing version 37 where this issue should be fixed. Thanks
@marknagy version 35.3.2
@dydxdx Hello, we are currently releasing a new version 37.1. and it fixes this absolute zero issue. Please download the new version once it is available.
@korina hosted on Google Play Store update?
@dydxdx Yes. The new version should be available for all users probably on friday - sunday.
@marknagy Thoughts on error/ver37.1.8? Phone rebooted.
@dydxdx Hi. Does this issue persist? It may happen that this value was already cached. Cached data should be now updated. Please let me know if this issue appears again. Thank you.
@marknagy I purged the cache...same problem, absolute zero.
@dydxdx Thansk for the report, we are working on the fix.
@dydxdx This issue should be fixed, please purge once again the cache and it would be fine. Thanks for your cooperation.
@marknagy Thanks, cache purged....will let you know. Thanks much.
@dydxdx So far, the fix seems to be holding. Thanks again.
@MarkNagy I'm gonna say SOLVED....been a week and no recurrence. Thanks much.
@dydxdx I am glad, thanks for the reply :)