Route planning - wind barbs options
When planning a BOAT route the wind direction is changing based on the 'wind barbs' options
North up - seems to present the 'compass' direction
Bottom to Top - I'm not sure but it looks to me as the relative wind comparing to the boat movement
Right to Left - not clear.Can anyone provide better description on these options. When I started to use it I was confused by wind dir and it took me time to figure out that the wund barbs options affect it.
North up is the normal reference for wind direction i.e. the true north.
In aviation they use also the other 2, giving the wind direction relative to the motion direction.
These posts can help you to understand these 3 wind direction references.In sailing use North up.
But in addition you can also change it to Bottom to top or Left to right. In this case you have to imagine your boat pointing up the top of the screen, or from left to right of the screen, with the wind making an angle with these directions. If you consider that you cannot sail less than 45° to the wind, you will immediately see if your course is planned too close to the wind or not. See more explanation. -
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