Solar power
K čemu slouží vrstva Solar power?
@bbary Dobrý den, podrobnosti k vrstvě lze najít v info boxu:
Solar Power is the amount of solar radiation (also known as shortwave radiation) that reaches a horizontal plane at the surface of the Earth.
This parameter comprises both direct and diffuse solar radiation.
To a reasonably good approximation, this parameter is the model equivalent of what would be measured by a pyranometer (an instrument used for measuring solar radiation) at the surface. However, care should be taken when comparing model parameters with observations, because observations are often local to a particular point in space and time, rather than representing averages over a model grid box. -
@korina jiste, ale k čemu se to dá využít?
@bbary muže mi, prosím, někdo sdělit, k čemu lze využít vrstvu Solar power? Dekuji.
@bbary Dobrý den, Solar power vrstva udává intenzitu slunečního záření (solar radiation).
@korina ano, to vim, ale k čemu se to dá využít?