Strange behaviour of rain radar west of France
Regular user of Windy in France, I noticed a strange and repetitive behavior of the image of the rain radar on the west of France.
Here is a picture to illustrate:
The rain radar image is split in two inconsistent parts following a horizontal line. And it's systematic for this part of France.The source of the radar image is Meteo France. Here is two pictures of the radar image from other weather website, using the same Meteo France radar sources (at the same time) :
So we can observ:
- we don't have the "split" line on the image radar of the two other website, so this seems to indicate that the problem is not with the data source.
- The "upper" part of the "split" line from Windy radar image seems to be wrong.
Do you have any idea what is going on and where this image separation could come from?
@math51 Hello, thank you for reporting it, it is indeed an issue. We already receive these images from the radar source, we are not able to change them. We will try to update our radar source for this location.
Hello @Korina
Thank for your answer.
I'm not sure to understand what you mean exactly when you said: "We already receive these images from the radar source".From what I observ, the radar source from Meteo France (if this is your source) seems to be ok.
Image of the radar directly from Meteo France website:
Image of the radar from Meteo France website dedicated for aviation weather (need a login and password):
Windy rain radar image at the same time:
This is probably due to the mosaic image made with 2 radar sources, the French and the British radars.
The pictures that you show are only from Meteo France.
BTW RainViewer shows the same crazy picture:
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