Missing weather radar for nothern Italy & south-eastern Switzerland
As reported in No radar pictures from North Italy there are issues with the radars in nothern Italy & south-eastern Switzerland:
But for me this seems like 2 issues:
- although there is some data shown for the Italian radar, the area is not shown as "in range" (light gray) (see topic above)
- I often see the colored areas for rain being cut off at the northern boundary of the gap (near Chur, Grisons) with no data in the dark gray area. So for me it seems, that there are Swiss radars missing - unfortunately it's currently not raining there, so I can't provide a screenshot for this...
Here is some research on the radars:
For the Italian part, the gap should be much smaller (even with the currently non-operating radars):
(--> https://mappe.protezionecivile.it/en/risks-maps/radar-map)
And for the Swiss part, there should be radars in Ticino & Grisons:
(--> https://www.rainviewer.com/de/radars/switzerland.html and https://www.meteoschweiz.admin.ch/home/mess-und-prognosesysteme/atmosphaere/das-schweizer-wetterradarnetz.html)
@verkin Hello, thank you for the report. We are aware of this issue. We actually show data for this area, the bug is that it is not marked as "in range".
@Korina actually I can see missing data also. It shows some data, however you can clearly see the echoes cut off in a arc just north of bergamo even though the sferics show the track of the storm in the not covered area
Tutt'ora radar meteo mancante nel nordest Italia
@eoragh The radar interference like this may happen from time to time. We will fix the grey area not marked as "in range".