Example request url for webcams and info including within a certain country
I would like to be able to input a country code eg. GB and return up to a limit of 20 webcams and the webcam data such as lat/long coordinates and an image from that webcam. Possibly with the player like the windy.com home page.
I'm fine with plotting the data on my map etc. i'm just having trouble with the request url I need to use to get the json with the data I want.I have been trying everything, in different orders/ variations for few hours now, here is my latest url:
Firstly I'm not getting results for just GB, secondly I cant see coordinates (i thought the location attribute would show this).
I am happy with a url that just shows ALL webcam data for a given country.
If I just search by /list/country=gb?key={my_key}
I get a list of the webcams with ID,status and title.Is it that I need to then do another separate request by webcam ID, to get location, image etc?
Thanks in advance
Hey Leo, just incase you got no answer back yet
https://api.windy.com/api/webcams/v2/list/country=GB/orderby=popularity/limit=20?key=INSERTYOURKEYHEREIs this in the lines of what you were after?