Why the forecast was 100% wrong ?
Poland, Wroclaw City, Olimpic Stadion 19:00 - schould be 4,5mm rain for 2h at least...checked on 18:00 in windy last time 19,20,20 - all 4,5mm - but in reality sunny weahter = zero rain. Last month sailing as well - zero accuracy... What happened? Any changes for free access? If so - I understood 2h latency - but do not fuck with people like this! Any chances yet to be used by amaterur sailers? If not, every single amateur sailor in EU & global will get to know this - and I'll personally suid you.. Its so pitty... as I always used and promoted this app on all jacht escapes and see trials..
p.s. God bless you for this mistake - as the Grandprix of Poland in Speedway was possible :) But I lost any confidence in your data....
@luk_romanov Hello, please understand that we visualize forecasts based on global and local weather models, we do not create any forecast on our own.
Have you tried and compared other available models for your area? Each model offers a different forecast and it is essential to check all the available data to make the right assumption.
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