New weather station
Hi, probably the wrong topic-folder for this but how do I report a new weather station to be implemented into windy?
The station is accessable here:
JSON-Format is available here:!
@ulrichpa87 Hello, PWS stations can be only added by their owners as the data transfer is done via API.
@Korina many thanks for your response. I AM the owner. So can you please tell me what u need from my side? Cheers
@ulrichpa87 Please register the station at to start sending data to us.
Hi Korina,I registered my location but there is no option for me to enter my weather station ID and i didn't see a place were i can link my Ambient Weather WS-2902.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
@SilentTem Hello, if you only have one station, then the station ID is "0". More information here.