Windy Gets New Lock Screen iOS Widget
In order to see widgets on my lockscreen, I had to reinstall the app. But in the settings, there isn't any premium satellite widget available to choose from.
Používám Xiaomi Redmi 9,android žádné dostupné widgety nemám. Když se chci podívat na počasí musím otevřít appku. Hodila by se třeba jen malá lišta
Thanks for developing the lock screen widget! Could you please add an option to show the temperatures in farenheit?
Is it possible to consider having a closer zoom level on the radar widgets please?
As seen below, the Weather&Radar widget has a better closer zoom than the maximum Windy goes to. I prefer the closer more detailed view when monitoring nearby rain and it would save me launching the app and manually zooming in each time.
Do you also plan to add the new Radar+ view for cloud and rain to the widget soon?