Hurricane Tracker - nice idea, poor UI
Nice feature, and useful for those of us affected by these events but the selection part of the UI takes up too much screen - half of the screen in portrait and slightly more than a third in landscape - for not a lot of info. If you close it the tracks disappear.
Make better use of the space by adding in options to add additional info in (wind forecasts, time of arrival of winds, rain maps etc.) and allow the bar to be collapsed to say a narrow column that would indicate the storm tracker is selected and just wide enough to maybe show an icon or similar with a logo a letter and number/letter combo for named storms to allow you know what storm you’re on and maybe to enable you to swap between storms but keep the tracks visible. (Would be 3H, 1D, SE and SK in the shots attached.)
@Sean-Dodd Hello, thank you for your feedback. This applies only for iPad, we may consider reorganizing the layout.
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