isoline slider concern
Hey Windy's dream team! Maybe isn't a bug:
I use to set the isolines slider ON when watching the meteo forecast. the slider stay ON when displaying any feature I.E (Pressure, temperature, rain...) except for Satellite and radar the slider then come to OFF. I've notice that it come back to ON, automatically, when displaying once, one of the two feature, but when displaying the two in a row, (radar then satellite) The slide stay to OFF and we have to click on again on it to get the isolines needed.
Can't you guys let this slider in the initial position set by the user without turning it off systematically when the radar or satellite is requested?
Then, it will be up to the user to turn it off if he find to much overlays in the image. I like to compare the pressure forecast and the radar/satellite images.
@Daniel-Barbieri Hello, the pressure isolines come off, because they are not available for Satellite or Weather radar layer. Furthermore, isolines do not get saved, this is why you have to reselect them. But thank you for the suggestion, it is something to think about.
Additionally ... isolines (isobars, isohypses) are forecast products as come from forecast models.
Satellite and radar layer show observations, no forecasts. -
Hello Korina, I understand why You choose to switch off the isolines when we are on a satellite/radar image in an ethic point of view. It's not a big deal, I'll continue to set manually the option as I did in this exemple below.
Thanks for your reply. -
In the image above, how do you know the time the isolines corespond? -
.... for example ....
I select winds for Friday ....and then, satellite for now ...
... and I get "misinformed".
Hello, Yes I'm aware that there is a laps of time to take in account based upon the last model update time and the satellite image time. In this exemple the model ECMWF was updated 8 hours ago. It looks great, is not it?
But I found that the isolines option came back to ON automatically when I selected an image satellite only once. But I Wonder why It stay definitly to OFF after selecting Radar and Satellite two in a row. Should be a bug no?
Anyway I just wanted to tell you that. Not a big deal! -
In my opinion, isolines could be ON
only if their valid time is the same with satellite reception time.
(Sorry for my bad english!) -
I agree! It's obvious that the predict time should match with the time radar. (Not In your sample) In my exemple I set the pressure ON in the satellite image. So I get the predict in the hour of the satellite display. More the model is recent more the compare is interesting. The goal is to appreciate if the forecasting is good or weak. -
@Daniel-Barbieri Hello, isolines should not be displayed with Satellite at all, because they are forecast. We will remove this option in the future.
@Korina said in isoline slider concern:
We will remove this option in the future.
That will frustrate some users.
Could we imagine that pressure isolines and other isolines being disabled when selecting Satellite and Radar overlays.
Then if the user re-enables them, they are automatically set to the current time. Of course it would be a forecast of isolines on an observation layer. But in this case the user want to see the pressure field at synoptic scale and the errors between reality and forecast are small. -
@idefix37 It is also an option, we will consider that.