read out current air pressure
display current air pressure - when reading out the historical and current data of weather stations, the air pressure is displayed as diagram but w/o scale and when moving the data slider over the curve, several other parameters (e.g. temperature and dew point) are read out and displayed but not the air pressure. I would like to see the air pressure value also.
Thank you in advance and keep up this great app
@jens-7 Hello, air pressure is only displayed as a diagram, it is not included in the data table. But thank you for the suggestion.
Thank you for your reply. Indeed, the air pressure as diagram is already implemented but the diagram only gives a trend indication of the aire pressure as no scale is shown. So, i would wish at least to add a scale on the diagram to read out the air pressure manually.
Still, a display of the value would be my favourite ;-)Best regards, Jens