About Favorites and Route Planning
Dear Developer:
Tank you very much for your excellent weather tracking website.
Currently I need to make a lot of marks on the map. So I have to add favorites.But some old favorites still useful, as a result, after adding, so many favorites cannot be identified.
Here is my suggestion, can you please create some "mark" or "text display" function for my favoriets? For example, I can add some "green" or "triangular shaped" favorites at a time, with the name "New flight 202209"?
Also, can the "distance and plan" function be more richer?For example, can i use 'double click' to complete drawing the routes with the route display on?Can i choose to keep the route display on when i close the below detail graphs?Furthermore, can the way points's name be editable?
Thank you for your kindly help!
… so many favorites cannot be identified… In your list of Favorites you can change their name.
….to complete drawing the routes with the route display on?… You can add additional way points with right click on the route.
… can the way points's name be editable?… Yes if you use you favorites as way points. In your list of favorites, click the name to edit it. Otherwise waypoints have no names just an order number.
@idefix37 Thank you for your reply.
1.Except the rename function, what about the shape of marks,color,font......
2.Right click is ok, but if i close the planning window, the route will disappear.I've checked the pluging withe name"filight planning",some similar functions are very good, but only for airplane pilots.
3.The "favorites" funcitions are not perfect enough.Thanks again, looking forward to your better product improvement.
2. Before closing the planning window, you can temporarily save the Route as favorite (See More options). And then recover it very easily.
Flight planner can be used for boat, even though it was designed for airplane. It has the avantage of being used with a tablet, with the browser, not with the mobile app. Here on iPad: