Help to junior learner
hi every body
i am a junior frontend learner and im learning js
i read top and enterprise front web pages everyday to improve my coding skill and also reading and refactoring.
one of that sites is windy, king of hearts.
this is is really good in weather map against other websites. so i tried to read the source code but i got the source is compiled and so hard to read, Although i read about 70% of it and it really help me to understand code even when it is compiled.
while i was reading the source codes
a piece of code attract me but i couldn't really understand it so i want to ask windy that would you please send me just these few lines of code?
wish you the best. -
Hello @sajadwindy
Thank you, I appreciate your work. Unfortunately, we cannot send you any part of the code which is not public.
Good luck with your learning. All the best, David
Thank you for your response,
But i need just about 10 lines of index.js,
it's public but it is not easy to read
just this:tilesReady: function(e, t, i) { var r = this , s = function(t, o) { var s = o + r.offsetY >> r.shift , a = s >> 8 , l = s - (a << 8) , c = (o + r.offsetY) % r.trans , d = t + r.offsetX >> r.shift , u = d >> 8 , h = d - (u << 8) , f = (t + r.offsetX) % r.trans , p = r.trans , m = e && e[a] && e[a][u]; if (!m) return console.warn("interpolator: Undefined dTile"), NaN; var v =; if (!v) return console.warn("interpolator: Undefined"), NaN; var g = r.offset + h + (l << 8) + l << 2; if (i.PNGtransparency && n.testPNGtransparency(v, g)) return NaN; if (i.JPGtransparency && n.testJPGtransparency(v, g)) return NaN; var w = v[g] , y = v[g + 4] , b = v[g + 1] , T = v[g + 5] , S = v[g + 2] , E = v[g + 6] , _ = v[g += 1028] , L = v[g + 4] , A = v[g + 1] , P = v[g + 5] , C = v[g + 2] , M = v[g + 6] , O = (p - c) * (p - f) , R = (p - c) * f , x = c * (p - f) , D = f * c , I = p * p , N = (w * O + y * R + _ * x + L * D) / I , W = i.interpolateNearestG ? n.interpolateNearest(null, 0, b, T, A, P, O, R, x, D) : (b * O + T * R + A * x + P * D) / I , k = (S * O + E * R + C * x + M * D) / I; return [m.decodeR(N), m.decodeG(W), m.decodeB(k)]