Windy route planner incorrect swell and wind direction compared to normal forecast?
Same with VFR or IFR planning - wind direction is completely off!
See example trip. WInd trails show westerly winds in 3000 ft, which represents current weather. Planning strip shows wind from the south??? I am a real fan and premium user of the windy app but this appears to be nonsense!
If you read the posts here above, you should have understood it is an unusual setting, but it doesn’t prevent you to use the Route planner. Especially since this setting is used in aviation, it is not a non sense !
Or do I need to explain it again ? -
Please, explain the setting that shows barbs representing wind from the west when the wind is coming from the west. -
The wind barbs in the Route planner table for flight are not defined in relation to the North direction as the wind is on the map, but in relation to the motion of your aircraft. It is therefore the relative wind to the flight direction.
It is set from “Left to right”, this means that wind barbs are defined as if the plane was flying from left to right of the screen.
In your example, you fly from N to S and the wind is W, so you receive the wind on your right side. Therefore, in the table the wind barbs are pointing from bottom to top.
In the explanation I gave 5 posts here above, you should have clicked on this link. Please click on it !
It shouldn’t it be difficult for you to replace the drawing of a boat with the one of an airplane? -
Thank you for the explanation. Actually, I had read this before but I cannot use this setting for VFR or IFR route planning purposes.
This sort of "reference" might probably be important for sailors, which I am not.
Could you please make a poll to evaluate how many pilot users would appreciate north reference wind barbs, independent of own speed and track. Or even provide this setting as an option.
By the way, even when planning a northbound trip with zero speed (or 1 kt) in westerly winds, the barb dirction seems odd???
Please, I know that I am not alone. -
Being only a Windy user, I can't do a poll or offer another setting.
This way of showing the direction of the wind is not used by sailors. I understood that it is used by pilots! Since the last update of the mobile application, you are the only pilot who requested the Nord reference. All the others who requested it were sailors, about 3 to 4.
I'm sure the Left to Right setting was left on by mistake, because it is the default setting in the browser version.And I guess North Up setting will be used as default setting in the next update, I hope…
Thank you for your patience. In the meantime I checked the setting "north up" in the desktop app and it works fine for me. Solved :-)
As soon as the mobile app will feature north up as a default or will allow selection (more option) I am completely happy.
Thanks again for your continuing support. Brilliant app, by the way! -
I idefix37 referenced this topic on
@idefix37 I was also confused by Boat routing and not having wind directions from north up. The last version of boat routing still does not feature North up as default. Is there a plan to change it, as it really makes no sense to have left to right wind directions for boat routing (at least not for us with sailboats)
I agree that the default setting concerning the wind / waves direction reference should be North up as this the obvious way to set a direction on a map.
But as the default setting was Left to right in the mobile app, changing it for North up would confuse now at lot of users of this feature, according to Windy. -
@idefix37 That is very weak argument for Boat routing.
I would expect that not many boaters expect wind directions as towards the boat, but all want to know what direction of the wind it is as each wind type (mistral, tramontana, meltemi, sirocco...) has some specific with them and it is important to know what type of wind to expect quickly from meteogram. Currently I need to scroll around in timeline to understand what is the type of the wind I can expect.
Since there is special Boat type of routing I really do not understand why changing default to North up at least for this profile would be an issue. -
But I hope you understood that NOW you can set another reference direction, to have North up defined for all your planned passages. The problem previously appeared when Windy launched the route planner on the mobile application. Left to right was the only setting! -
@idefix37 yes, I know that and it works for me. It is just confusing that I need to explain this and where to find the option to every friend that I have persuaded that Windy Premium is worth their money...
You are right and I fully agree with you.
See all messages I have posted on this subject: up default &in=titlesposts&matchWords=all&by=idefix37&sortBy=relevance&sortDirection=desc&showAs=posts&page=1
I am quite sure that changing the default setting to North up in the mobile app should not be a real issue. This had been done in the browser version and I don’t remember that anyone complained about it.