Missing radar data in northern Italy
As seen in the below image there isn't radar data in a good part of northern Italy (the dark grey area means that there is no radar data available?).
But on the website of the Italian Civil Protection Department (https://mappe.protezionecivile.gov.it/en/risks-maps/radar-map), which is where you are getting data from, is present data that isn't shown on Windy.
Hello @Gino0
we know about this bug. The radar works fine, we display the data for this location, it's just a matter of a dark grey place on the map, that is not right.
It's a minor, yet visible bug. There will be a fix.
@David-Polášek-3 In fact I remember seeing radar data also on the grey part, but earlier this afternoon (and yesterday I think) there was missing/cut data.
Good morning, here the bug is more evident -
@David-Polášek-3 @Korina I think there was a misunderstanding about what is the problem.
@David-Polášek-3 said in Missing radar data in northern Italy:
Hello @Gino0
we know about this bug. The radar works fine, we display the data for this location, it's just a matter of a dark grey place on the map, that is not right.
It's a minor, yet visible bug. There will be a fix.
This reply addresses the dark grey area bug, which is obviously a minor bug. But the main problem, that still persists, is missing radar data, as shown below.
This isn't a problem with the data source (ICPD: https://radar.protezionecivile.it/#/pages/dashboard) as can be seen here:
Another post regarding the issue: https://community.windy.com/post/120983Sorry for the annoyance, but this problem has been going on for quite a while (before it was showing all radar data). Hope it can be fixed soon, anyway Windy is an amazing app, keep on with your great work!
@Gino0 Hello, we will fix this issue in the upcoming days. Thank you for patience.
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