Legends on high resolution topo map
Re: Meaning of legends are not avavailable on map
Greetings all.
Can anyone provide legends that can help differentiate, for instance, red trails from dashed-red trails, thin black dashes from continuous black lines, etc.... when using the small scale topographic maps? I'd like to use this for hiking and paragliding, or occasionally mountain biking, while having a good grip on the weather.
Happy outdoors to all 💕💫 -
Hello, are you talking about the base map that is shown in Windy.com weather app?
You can find the legend here:
https://en.mapy.cz/zakladni?x=14.4000000&y=50.0500000&z=11&lgnd=1 -
Are you using Mapy.cz or Windy.com apps on your phone for hiking?
If you use Mapy.cz app, you don’t need a legend on Windy base map. -
You are right, the link I provided is opening the Mapy.cz app on phone but not the legend ! Sorry it works well on my iPad. It is crazy that the legend cannot be shown on Mapy.cz app.
BTW we are not here on the forum of this app. You should contact them directly. -
@idefix37 thanks again. I am satisfied that THAT is the problem. I'm not sure they'd be interested in this specific case...
Thanks a lot! -
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