Extent of Drought Measurements
Hello all. I just have joined the forum because I have a question regarding drought management. If, for example, a government gets to know about the upcoming drought, what are the prerequisites to judging the extent of its prevalence, like how long will it last? Let me know Kindly I will be every thankful.
Windy visualises the drought forecast by InterSucho for the next 10 days, not more.
For extended forecasts, you may look at seasonal prediction but which is not provided by Windy. -
As a member of the drought management forum, I have a question regarding it. In the event that a government learns about an impending drought.
@Usman-581 Hello, what question do you have?
By using windy we can visualize the drought up to 10 days. but can there be any solution predicted from the forum?
@homephixx Your question is unclear. What solution are you please talking about?
In my opinion, using a single forum to answer a comprehensive problem like a drought is quite an immature thing to do. The reasons to drought are many, and among them, climate change is quite the most crucial one. So before to come to predict any upcoming drought, you need to understand the atmosphere of the particular region to you are considering.
@wordcounter Hello, this forum is open for a free discussion. Nevertheless, this thread is related to the Drought forecast we offer. More information about the actual layer can be found here.
HI THERE. I had a question, it might be irrelevant so pardon me, I just wanted to ask if windy provides any archive data? Can I search my desired pattern for a particular region, after a few months gap?
Hi, Windy does not archive data.