Can't load user info
Windy on this computer can't load my user info, although it still seems to know that Premium is available (e.g. 1h forecasts are still available).
Error log below:
"timestamp": 1664137640616,
"runningMs": 1097,
"type": "user",
"module": "user",
"msg": "Cannot load user info:",
"line": null,
"col": null,
"url": "",
"script": null,
"ver": "37.2.1",
"target": "index",
"stack": false,
"deviceID": "5ae94082-b1b8-719a-bdd9-5e515a2489eb",
"error": " {}",
"isOnline": true,
"latestBcast": "bcast: maps-paramsChanged (974ms ago at 1664137639642)
store: visibleProducts (974ms ago at 1664137639642)
store: glParticlesOn (580ms ago at 1664137640036)
render: rendered isolines (22ms ago at 1664137640594)
store: hpShown (4ms ago at 1664137640612)",
"sessionCounter": 176,
"sessionName": "au-176",
"lang": "en",
"size": "1440x900",
"platform": "desktop",
"errorID": "cannot-load-user-info"
}About this version
Target: index.html
Version: 37.2.1
Built: 2022-09-19, 11:50
Your browser: Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/605.1.15 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/16.0 Safari/605.1.15
WebGL particles: running -
hi @sentinel75 ,. thanks for reporting the bug, we will look into it.