Wrong temperatures when zooming in
Hello Windy Team,
The temprature showed on the base map is showing wrong vales when zooming in.
For instance, I can see now about 12 degrees in some city, when I zoom-in one step it still shows 12 C, once again zoom-in and voila! All nearby temperatures are changing up by few C degress showing completely wrong values. The reported temperature from nearby wheater stations was showing ~12-13 C.Attaching 3 printscrrens with all zooms.
Prot -
@Proteus-Nexus Hello, I just check the same location with the Temperature layer and the values do not change with the zoom level. Does this happen all the time? What browser do you use?
@Korina Not sure if it happens all the time. For sure I noticed that at least onece some time ago, but don't remember the location. At that time I just ignored it since I prefer reported temperatures layer. Now, my friend let me know about that issue and I checked that on my browser (Firefox 104 the which prinsctreens are taken from) and confirmed the same behaviour. I don't think this is browser related issue since on Edge it looked the same.
@Proteus-Nexus Hello, I discussed this issue with our team, and it may actually appear sometimes.
We are currently preparing the release, which will fix this issue.
@Korina Good to hear you were able to confirm that. Thanks!