Widget does not show fog
The ECMWF model shows fog in the app tomorrow for several hours, the widget shows clear (moon icon). Can you fix this? Thanks.
ECMWF does show fog.
Fog forecast is only provided by ICON in Windy and the widget is based on ECMWF prediction. -
@idefix37 I have the ECMWF model set both in the app and on the widget, so why does morning fog only appear in the app and not in the widget?
When ECMWF is set and you select Fog, it switches automatically to ICON. You can check it in the model list, ECMWF is grayed out. You can’t select ECMWF when Fog layer is displayed. -
@idefix37 Thanks for the answer. I'm not talking about the map data, but about the forecast bar for the next hours. I see fog icons in the app and clear on the widget. I'm wondering if it can't be unified ;)
OK, so you would like to have these icon include in the widget -
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@Korina Thanks ;)