I have a question about the app ads.
I am currently testing the weather map using the free API.
I've been testing it since yesterday, and yesterday I didn't see any ads.
Today, every time I reload, I get an ad for the app.I noticed.
The ads are now displayed because the number of sessions per day exceeded 500?
Am I correct in understanding that the ads will also appear in the Professional version when the number of sessions exceeds 10000?Sorry for the basic question.
@umezo Hello, we don't display any ads in the app.
The "free" Map forecast API is not free, it is only intended for testing purposes. If you want to use it in production, you will need to purchase a Professional license.The daily limit is 10000 sessions, once you exceed it, the API will stop working.
K Korina moved this topic from Non English posts on
@Korina Hello. Thank you for your answer.
I have one more question.We plan to use the Professional version of the API.
I understand that the daily limit is 10,000 sessions and that the API will not be available when the limit is reached.
So, is it possible to make the number of sessions unlimited?
If so, what is the annual fee? -
@umezo The daily limit can be increased upon agreement. In that case, we will need to know more about your project and how exactly you will use our data.
We are happy to learn that it is possible to raise the limit.
Our project, simply put, is to provide free ocean information to fishermen.
We would be happy to discuss this again at a later date.
Thank you for your response. -
@Korina Thank you very much.
Thank you for your fast and thoughtful response.