Webcams slow at updating for YouTube or uploading frequently problems?
Many webcams that is linked to YouTube have been experiencing problems in updating, the problems is mostly likely to do with YouTube and not via the Webcam from windy.
Some webcams have been skipping uploads, the webcams updating times are 3 hours or more or up to over a day (even if the YouTube stream is still running good), and also the daily daylight snapshots are skipped which seems useless.
The only way to solve the problem is that the webcams interval time should be changed to 15 minutes. And also to add YouTube live streaming into "Stream Type". This should solve the problem smoothly and spot the differences.
The default interval time is 1 hour for any newly webcams added from December 2019 onwards unless been assisted by someone, many other webcams that were added as of or before all webcams were merged to are 15 minutes, sometimes 30 minutes or 1 hour.
Normally when your webcams been approved, the interval updating times are 15 minutes however after 10:00pm (22:00) UTC time the next day, the interval updating times will changed to 1 hour mark.
If any webcams are having problems with updating, webcam URL replacement etc., don’t hesitate to post something or email at and someone will be able to assist you of possible. You should ask to change the interval updating times to 15 minutes if possible. 55+ minutes as a timelapse slider still applies so any next images that are within 55 will not be added into timelapse slider unless it’s a daylight snapshot. Only 1 daily snapshot imagine per day.
Windy webcams current upload times as of October 2022:
15 minutes interval: 20 minutes average
30 minutes interval: 35 minutes average
1 hour interval: 1 hour and 5 minutes (1:05) averageOthers: Webcams daily snapshot update bug has been fixed on Wednesday 12th October 2022 around 6:00am (6:00) UTC time which is a big relief especially to all the webcams that were added from December 2019 onwards. Also the daily snapshot time has expanded to I believe a 2 hour window, was normally 1 hour window (1 daily snapshot imagine per day). This is to reduce the webcams from skipping daily daylight snapshot especially if your webcam interval time is 1 hour.
It is important to know that any public indoor webcams are no longer allowed into Windy webcams. Windy will automatically disable any public indoor webcams. Public indoor webcams was usually allowed on or but unfortunately public indoor webcams are no longer allowed into Windy webcams.
Windy Webcams for YouTube update:
I’ve been checking all windy webcams content URL coming from YouTube form Asia and in Victoria in Australia and unfortunately YouTube stream type URL containing just a stream only without other content makes nearly no difference on fixing windy webcams uploads issues with the only solution is to request to change the updating interval time to 15 minutes at best (even if the YouTube stream is still running). This should make a lot of difference and massively reduce the daily snapshot being skipped. Uploads will still be skipped as usual but my aim is to prevent daily snapshots being skipped.
I won’t make any request to any webcams yet, but I’m still watching it closely. I will make a request by January 2023 and hopefully it gets approved as promised.
One of the windy webcams content from YouTube that is from Singapore updating interval time is 15 minutes and the daily snapshot in the last 30 days hasn’t been skipped while the YouTube stream is still running, uploads is still being skipped normally but reduces the wait for 3+ hours for the next upload imagine time.
Windy webcams current upload times as of November 2022:
15 minutes interval: 25 minutes average
30 minutes interval: 40 minutes average
1 hour interval: 1 hour and 10 minutes (1:10) average