I just joined the premium members and I am looking forward to more accurate updates. Thank you windy team for all your efforts. I have been using for 10 years now and It has been the most accurate compared to other free platforms. 👌👍
@obriens-ark We are happy to hear it! :)
@Korina Ho pagato l'abbonamento Premium e ora devo rinnovarlo. NON riesco a trovare "pagamenti" per sistemare la mia carta di credito. Il pagamento viene bloccato dal mio sistema per manca un codice di sicurezza.
Posso avere il percorso giusto per favore? GRAZIE mille -
@paissan-stefano Hello, you are apparently subscribed via Google Play. To manage subscriptions and payments, you need to visit your Google Play account.
@obriens-ark Hello, in your case, you will need to download Windy from the App Gallery.