Your radar is wrong!
There has been non-stop torrential rain all day in Menorca, yet your radar shows it's dry!
You should see that the Radar signal is not covering the totally of this island. But it was clearly showing rain over this area.So you cannot say that the Radar is wrong and there is no bug !!
Or, are you talking about Rain forecast ? Which has nothing to do with a radar information. It is weather prediction by weather models. And rain was clearly predicted today:
Hi @idefix37
Thank you for your response. I live in the middle of Menorca, just north of your arrow head. Not long after your 9.18 image the radar showed light to moderate rain clearing to the north by some 100km. Yet for a further 4 hours we continued to get heavy rain. (I was aware the radar dose not currently cover the east of the island).
I did wonder if the radar could have been out of alignment with the map, but this is why I posted my querry. -
OK, did you compare the Radar picture on Windy with the AEMET radar? Windy uses this radar source.
It is the only way to know if both radar data is synchronised. -
Will do so next time I discover a discrepancy. Thanks for the tip.