Exorbitante Schneehöhen im Etschtal (Südtirol)
Windy zeigt zurzeit rxorbitante Schneehöhen im Etschtal (Südtirol) an (z. B. 2,50m in Graun am Reschensee).
Livecams zeigen so gut wie keinen Schnee.
Was läuft hier falsch? -
If you look at Snow depth forecast by the default model (ECMWF), it is obviously wrong at Lago di Resia level which is surrounded by 3000m mountain tops. This model has a resolution of 9km and a coarse topography model. It is like using a camera with a low resolution: you would not get precise details of photos.
Try to use the ICON-D2 with a 2km resolution. It forecasts only 0,5cm at lake level, which is closer to the reality !
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