personal weather station
i added my pws details several months ago but don't see its inclusion on the weather map. I know its not included as the details given for the location by windy differ by 2-3 degrees C to my pws/wundermap ISAMROIY2.
Please advise if u will plot pws on the windy map like wundermap?
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@hoare Hello, do you have your station ID?
2 photos not load.
station name : ISAMROIY2"Elev 21 m, 12.32 °N, 99.97 °E
sam roi yot - ISAMROIY2 "thanks
@hoare Hello, what's the type of the station? And what software do you use to send us data?
1st photo sent to u shows misol equipment.
I am currently NOT using software to send to windy.
my wunderground station name = ISAMROIY2 -
@Korina the silence, is it correct to say windy will not display individual pws on ur weather map?
kindly advise. -
@hoare What is the brand of the station? It is very likely that you will need additional software to send us data.
I mentioned before: misol and also gave us the weather underground station reference: ISAMROIY2 -
@hoare said in personal weather station:
You will not be able to send us data just with the station alone. You may need additional software. Please look at this category. You will find here a list of programs we support.