Be one step ahead with the advanced features of Windy Premium! [EN]
Over the past year, we have brought you more than 22 major and countless small updates and features.
Yet we are still ad-free and provide weather forecast to millions of users worldwide. To keep it that way, we decided to move some free features to Premium. We are also bringing new improvements to Premium, like Satellite Archive, better Compare Forecast, and more detailed maps of some models.
Learn more about each Premium feature in a brief introduction below:
1-hour forecast step
Access 1-hour forecast steps in the detailed forecast view and on all the weather maps. Hourly steps provide more detail and accuracy and allow for more fine-grained adjustments for weather events. They can be handy for predicting the timing and intensity of thunderstorms, rain showers, and other fast-moving weather systems that can change quickly.
In other words, you can better understand what is happening in the present and near future, which can help you make decisions about outdoor activities, travel, and other plans that are affected by the weather.
10-day forecast outlook
A 10-day forecast outlook provides a detailed prediction of weather for the next days with all available views - Basic, Airgram, Meteogram, Waves, Wind, and selected weather models.
Open the extended 10-day version at the end of the forecast table.
Forecast updates at least 4 times a day
The forecast provided by each weather model is updated at a minimum of 4 intervals in 24 hours. This means you will always have the latest forecast available at your disposal.
More detailed forecast maps
Higher resolution for all weather maps and models. View the weather conditions for any geographic area with a forecast resolution that considers the orography of the location, such as mountains and mountain ranges, and get more accurate results.
Below is an example of the HRRR model output in the Free (left) vs. Premium account (right), location Grand Canyon. The Premium version shows more weather patterns according to the area's terrain, ensuring a higher level of forecast quality.
Unlimited Favorites and Alerts
Create as many favorites and alerts for any location or webcam as you need, and have everything in one place.
Select weather parameters such as Wind, Rain, Waves, Temperature, and more, and get notified in advance before the conditions occur.
12-hour loop for Radar and Satellite
Track the past and current movement of storm systems, precipitation, or cloud cover with 12-hour history of Radar and Satellite.
Radars emit microwave energy and detect the energy reflected back from precipitation and other atmospheric objects, while satellites capture visible and infrared imagery of the Earth's surface.
Tide forecast in the forecast detail
A new perk for our Premium subscribers and for those who haven't joined the Premium club yet but frequently travel by sea, this is a feature worth subscribing to to elevate your voyages.
A significant change has been made to the detailed forecast. The Waves tab now includes Tide forecast data, allowing you to analyze weather conditions more comprehensively.
Satellite archive going back 1-year
History of satellite imagery for the last 12 months. Whether you are interested in analyzing past severe weather events such as hurricanes, typhoons, and tropical storms or the development of specific weather patterns, our satellite archive got you covered.
Route Planner for planning tasks
Route Planner is a comprehensive tool for planning tasks and trips with all the essential weather parameters. Set your waypoints on the map and view the forecast for the entire duration of the trip.
As a pilot, you will value the VFR and IFR forecast with full-scale Airgram. You will enjoy the Boat option with Waves forecast if you sail.
3D Globe display
View weather from the big picture with our 3D globe mode and visualize weather from a different perspective (desktop only).
Additional mobile widgets
Extra widgets with 1-hour forecast steps in all three sizes and Satellite widgets with BLUE, VISIBLE, INFRA, and INFRA Plus modes.
Learn more about Windy widgets here.
Extra settings
Additional options for Windy's interface allow setting any layer as default and having your favorite parameters present when browsing through or opening the app. Furthermore, you can also save the 1-hour forecast view so Windy remembers your preferred settings.
Want to enjoy all the Premium features to the fullest and support the development of Windy at the same time?
Go Premium 👈
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@Korina dzień dobry czy model ECMWF ma teraz aktualizacje co 6 godzina na 10 dni a nie jak to było na 3 dni co 6 godzin a reszta dni co 12 ?
Thanks for this! I am unable to pull up the satellite archive on desktop, any thoughts on how to resolve this issue, or is it a new update coming out soon? My settings show I am running version 37.2.5 in Microsoft Edge on Windows 10. Additionally, will this be added to the iOS version?
Finally, a shameless plug that I'd still love to see total precipitable water added as one of the offered parameters. It would be very useful for forecasting atmospheric river events and spring thunderstorms in my region.
I think the new version is not yet implemented. Same as you on desktop I have still the version 37.2.5 dated 2022-11-25. Satellite archives are not available nor the higher resolution of temperature in mountains.
May be we'll see the update during the week end? -
@idefix37 wersja Beta aplikacji już ma aktualizacje i widzę że model ECMWF odswieza się chyba na 10 dni co 6 godzin a nie jak było że na 3 dni co 6 a pozostałe dni co 12
I dont have the privilege of using the beta version. So I cannot comment what you say about ECMWF updates. -
@mark-ingalls Hello, the new version is not yet out, but it will most likely be out on Monday.
@przemo1986 Hello, you are a Premium user already, so nothing changes for you in case of ECMWF updates. They are still every 6 hours.
@Korina ale ECMWF odswieza się co 6 godzin na 3 dni a pozostałe co 12 godzin
To me, this looks like most of these changes are no new features to premium users but instead features removed from the free version.
Am I getting this right? -
@Flachkurbler Yes, and this decree of removal is a real NIGHTMARE!
@Flachkurbler Hello. The Satellite archive, Better resolution for ECMWF, NAM, Arome forecast maps, and Compare forecast extended to 10 days are all new features added to Premium, the rest are features that have been moved from the free version to the Premium.
@Ahmed-A-AS Hello, we are simply making Premium better, so that our subscribers have a higher value features for their continuous support.
@przemo1986 Yes, the ECMWF updates provide data for the first 3 days, 4 times a day. Then they update the forecast only 2 times a day.
@Korina ECMWF nie widać że ma lepszą rozdzielczość czym się to objawia siatka nadal ma 9 km Rozumiem że kolejne funkcje w przyszłości będą podzielone na premium i podstawowe ?
@przemo1986 Please see my previous reply. The data have a better resolution because they are updated more frequently, specifically 4 times a day (every 6 hours), instead of 2 times a day (every 12 hours).
The confusion probably comes from the same word being used for spatial resolution and for temporal resolution.
What about adding precipitation type to radar? (rain, sleet, snow)
I love the 3D feature!!! Thank you so much!!!
@Korina Ok, So, why your work ( making Premium users more and more happy ) is affecting other users ( free users )? Do you " as a team " ran out of other options? Shouldn't you discuss theses big changes with the community first as you can see that there are many unsatisfied users?
Being a free user does not necessary mean that the user is not a professional user and don't use every available features. I am afraid of the app becoming fully paid, and this will be an immense real nightmare!
Forget to tell, thank you for helping me in editing my previous post, really caring adminstration, but, if it is needed.