ID:f07eb6d9 Station not showing up
Just wondering if anyone can help me to get my station publishing. Checked the API key in my weewx config and it's correct, no errors in logs. But station isn't showing up for some reason.
@Korina Yes, it used to work properly I have posted to windy before with the same station. I checked the api key and it seemed to have changed for some unknown reason so I corrected my weewx.conf file with the api key in my dashboard....still no go even after a couple days. And yes I am sending barometer info.
@raenrfm Did you change the station configuration, or it stopped working out suddenly?
@Korina While I do have the occasional outage, I have gone long stretches, months without one and nothing ever shows up. I think I'm black balled or something.
@raenrfm I recommend setting up the station again, also make sure that the ID is 0.
@Korina Done....will wait for the data to populate.
@raenrfm Whatever I do it never populates, and I've also discovered that every time I click on API key it shows me a new key, so obviously there is something severely wrong here and my station will never publish anything if the API key keeps changing on your side. I'm probably not going to renew my premium, this aspect has been a total disappointment.
@raenrfm can you at least check your side to see if my station is registering data or is even in your database?