Help: Wordpress Plugin - display relative humidity and rain
Good Afternoon. We asked them if they have any free or paid WordPress plugins that show the relative humidity and rain forecasts for a city. It should show how it evolves hourly, daily, and over the next 10 days. We wait your answer Thank you so much
Gaston Urrets -
@clusterdealfalfa Hello, we offer Windy embed, you can check it out at -,14.505,5
@clusterdealfalfa said in Help: Wordpress Plugin - display relative humidity and rain:
Good Afternoon. We asked them if they have any free or paid WordPress plugins that show the relative humidity and rain forecasts for a city. It should show how it evolves hourly, daily, and over the next 10 days. We wait your answer Thank you so much
Gaston Urretsthank you, it helped me