Compare forecast panel - improvement
Hi Windy team,
I love the new improvements to the 'Compare panel' (1hr toggle & highlighted time vertically).
Another suggestion to improve the 'Compare panel' would be to lock the left hand side info panel so that when a user scrolls along the timeline on a small screen they still know which information correspondence to each row.
Thanks again Windy team :)
@anthony10 I second that. Being able to select/deselect which models showing would also be A+.
@anthony10 The more people get behind this small change, the better :)
It would be useful on desktop version, on large screen. But not on phone app because the locked column would cover the entire screen
@idefix37 It would certainly be useful on the desktop.
I believe it would be useful for on mobile also because you can still see a full day beside the column (3hr view).
The column could shrink down to the icons (Time, Temp, Wind etc) to allow for more space for the forecasts?
I also would like to see improvements to the compare screen. I described the idea of comparison by graphs already here.
But what about instead of grouping the information by model you group them by the typ of info? So you can quickly compare temperature, wind direction, wind strength, … ?
In the browser version, there is a vertical marker which makes easier the reading. That's fine.
Instead of locking the first column as requested previously, it would be useful to have the models names linked to the marker. That would make easier to identify the models in the middle of the panel when their name disappear on the left side. -
@idefix37 I like that idea too :) Either would be great or maybe both.
The column lock might be easier to implement because it's already locked for single forecasts on the browser.
Fantastic work Windy team for locking the info panel while using the web browser version. :)
Hopefully the mobile app will get it soon?
Thanks again Team :)