Weather for mariners at sea
Windy has been our go-to WX tool when we're ashore and watching the weather and deciding when we will depart on multiday ocean sailing trips where we will be 100's of miles offshore. At sea obtain GFS GRIB files over slow sat data and HF/Winlink but would like access to the euro models in GRIB format. We've tried Predictwind but don't care for all their extra baggage and cost and prefer to use OpenCPN for computing our own weather routings.
Have you considered adding a like service for weather model data whereby one can query with a short email and your system generates a GRIG for that area and timeframe and emails us back?
Thanks very much for your considering this!
Your proposal has already been requested and discussed here. I don't think Windy is ready to develop the possibility of sending GRIB files over a restricted and chosen area, sending them by emailing via satellite.
This for 2 reasons:
Due to license agreement with ECMWF, Windy is not allowed to send data. Windy can only visualize it. With GFS it shouldn't be a problem, but for other models I don't know. Apps that do this have a special paid offer for sending GRIB files from the ECMWF model.
It would be necessary to develop a special viewer to use and view these GRIB files.
By the way, have you tried the Great Circle app?