Refund please
It was a mistake to buy Windy Premium, because for what I use it is not worth it at all. The 4 days extra forecast that used to be free 20 euros is a bit much... I have contacted FastSpring but it seems I have to turn to you here. I bought Windy Premum on 13 Feb 2023.
@Sandy-Zuro Hello, we are sorry to hear that. May I ask what exactly did not meet your expectations?
@Korina i dont use Windy. Can i have a refund please?
@Sandy-Zuro Please let me know your email address used for the purchase.
Refund please accidentally ordered it again don’t need 2 premium
- ~~```

S Sandy Zuro deleted this topic on
@captbobdewees You are subscribed via Apple, you will need to request refund there.
I idefix37 restored this topic on
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