Drawing tool & Geo Height Correlation
First off, love Windy.com great product. Two suggestions for development. First one create a drawing tool that can allow people to analyze the different levels of the atmosphere and overlay them to get a better picture for say severe weather. i.e. PFJ at 300mb with UL diffluence, 500mb troughs, 850mb LL jet, and Surface fronts with weather. That would be great!
Secondly, tying the surface data to Pressure in MBs and the upper levels i.e. 850, 500, 300 mb to the Geopotential heights automatically. That would save time instead of manually selecting that feature.
Drawing tool. There was such a tool some years ago but it has been deleted as explained here:
Depending on your web browser, some offer a tool for drawing on screen. -
Pressure msl and Geopotential heights. It would really useful to have a color shaded layer of Geopotential heights (not only as isolines). That would allow to combine it with isobars.
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