Snow level wrong
The snow level provided by the app are wrong. Here is an example:
According to windy app the snow level close to Vent (Ötztal, Austria) is above 4m (March 10, 2023). According to official avalanche report and measurement data from the state of Tyrol, the snow level at the exact same measurement station (Vorderegg, March 10, 2023) is only 14.3 cm!!!
This is a massive difference and undermines the trustworthiness of the Windy app when it comes to ski tour planning.
Very sad! -
To which model are you referring for this snow depth estimate? If it is the default model, its resolution is 9 km. So you should easily understand that the snow depth predicted at such resolution in mountain, is quite bad.
You should consider the model with the best resolution over your area (ICON-D2). But even with it, this parameter will never be exact in mountain as it can be in flat areas.Not sure it is the location your mention, but it shows the difference between a medium resolution model (ECMWF) and a high resolution one (ICON-D2) for this parameter.