Аccuracy with slim distance
Can you help me with a quastion, please. I need high accuracy with slim distance. Can someone post respone at two requests with same time, please?
"lat": 67.606670,
"lon": 33.723407,
"model": "gfs",
"parameters": ["wind", "dewpoint", "rh", "pressure"],
"levels": ["surface", "800h", "300h"],
"key": "123"
"lat": 67.599805,
"lon": 33.750676,
"model": "gfs",
"parameters": ["wind", "dewpoint", "rh", "pressure"],
"levels": ["surface", "800h", "300h"],
"key": "123"
} -
Hi @bigwood-windy how do you mean that exactly? If you post these two, it will be counted as two requests.
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