Please add weather radar for Georgia
Hello, could you add weather radar coverage for Georgia?
As far as I can see, currently there's a partial coverage from Turkey. But it turns out there are 2 weather radars in the country with publicly available imagery.
The data can be obtained from their skyaeronavigation website here:
It's divided in 2 regions east/west. But unfortunately, the images are a sequence of plain jpeg not a transparent overlay over the map. Might not be that convenient to fetch it.
If you are interested in adding it, I can try to contact them for a more convenient format -
@Dinar-Meraleev Thanks for the source. You're right, the images with map and other artifacts (circles) are not very good data source.
If you would be so kind to contact them for other format, it would be great. I'll try them contacting too.
Just FYI, I didn't receive any reply from them yet. I'll probably start bothering them by phone next week. In the meantime I'm trying to hook up local wx station at UGSA airport to upload the data to windy. might be useful -
@Dinar-Meraleev Great, thank you. I've got reply from meteo department at Tbilisi int. airport. So far, they seem to be interested and helpful. I still don't know what format, which radar sites and how often and with what delay we'll get the data, but it seems that we might get something after all!
In the meantime, feel free to keep poking from your side. You might end up with better/different data that we might combine in the end and get better result