Weather radar for Iceland no longer avaialble
Hello! Recently the weather radar data for Iceland went missing (few days). I´m guessing Windy gets its radar data for Europe from EUMETNET/OPERA? Anyways, the weather radar data from The Icelandic Met Office is available directly as HDF5 files following the ODIM standard here:
The Met Office recently added the 3rd C-band radar in the northern part of the island, greatly increasing the coverage. I belive this site has not yet been added to EUMETNET/OPERA
I´m also the GIS Coordinator of the Icelandic Met Office so you should be able to at least answer some questions or add info if needed.
@RagnarHeidar Thank you very much for data source for Icelandic radar. I'll look into the data and should be able to add it to our processing pipeline in a couple of days
@RagnarHeidar Quick question: are all 5 radars stationary or are some of them mobile (for example X-band ones in the south)? Thank you
Edit: the X-band radars are here labeled as "Movable", that's why I'm asking
Edit2: data from Skagi radar (isska) are not available, altough it seems that composited images DO contain it