Features Removed from Free Version
I suppose I might have missed an email somewhere along the way, but I am dissapointed to see the number of features being removed from the free membership to Windy. Some of them aren't that big of deal to me, but a couple I've really noticed. First the length of the loop on the animated weather map. I know for sure that 6 hr used to be part of the free version and 12 hr might have been I can't remember, but now all of a sudden 6hr loop and 12 hr loop require a premium membership. The second is the number of favorites. I only had four, but I recently changed jobs and went to change the location of my work favorite and when I deleted the old one to create a new one it told me that I had reached the maximum number of favorites.
Again, I might have missed an email somewhere along the way, but it would have been nice to know theses changes were coming.
Hi @gwpete01 yes, we changed our Premium subscription and moved some features to this paid plan. As you mentioned, 6 and 12 hours history, as well as unlimited number of favourites (the free plan offers only 3 at the moment) are included.
According to the reasons to do that, we made the first change in our Premium subscription after many years. Windy still offers all models, layers, and many features for free without any ads for mobile devices and browsers. We want to keep that this way, which would be impossible without our Premium plan and supporters.
You can get further info here in the article from my colleague.
@Ondřej-Šutera Thanks for additional information. Unfortunately I don't know how many of the additional features of premium I would use to make it worth $19/year, but my kids live in different parts of the US and it would be nice to have the additonal favorites so I can quickly see what the weather is doing where they live, especially during severe weather events. I'll peruse the options and see if there are enough features that I would use to justify the $19/year.