UV Index Map
On the map for the UV index, currently it will show the level of it as Low, High, Extreme, etc. I feel like for visual sake it would be better if the number value was displayed instead of the classification
Find the UV index scale here:https://www.epa.gov/sites/default/files/documents/uviguide.pdf
This would be an improvement, not just for visuals. Lots of data is going missing because the UV index is being classified instead of showing the numeric values! It would be great to have more information here, since there is a substantial difference between an index of 3 and 5, despite both being considered moderate (keep in mind, the UV index is a linear scale). It seems like the colors on the map already account for this, so why doesn't it get shown in the weather picker? -
@luca009-l9 its an enormous diff's between 4.0 and 4.9... windy is out of fashion and doesnt follow the trend calling it low and soforth. your skin may burn at 2,my skin at 5,therefore to use a scale of words isnt good enough.colourmap is fine but the number values are nescessarry in todays sunsquemish gen's...
Interestingly, it seems like this is part of the 3D map (don't know since when, I never use it, but I assume recently), so that's an improvement at least.
It just makes it so much weirder to me though, since the feature is obviously implemented already, but doesn't get displayed in the 2D map, why?! I don't like the 3D map since it sucks away performance for little to no benefit, and isn't available on mobile either. Can't this just be part of the 2D map?
The UV index is available in the browser version and in the mobile app, both in 2D. -
This post is deleted! -
@idefix37 Thanks for the reply, but this doesn't solve the problem at hand. This thread is about the lack of a number for the UV index. Windy (in the 2D view at least) only shows the categorisation, such as Low, Moderate, High, etc., which isn't useful enough.
I was replying to your last post where you were talking and wondering about 2D / 3D.
Concerning the UV scale, I forwarded a link about it in my previous post. I can’t do more for you. -
@idefix37 Yes, I was wondering about the fact that the UV index gets displayed as a number in the 3D map, but in the 2D map - that is something I still don't understand. It's perfectly fine that you can't do anything more for this request, I still appreciate your help! I'm hoping the Windy team takes note of this.
@idefix37 The scale is not the issue, the weather picker is. In your screenshot, the actual numbers get displayed in the picker, but on a 2D map, they don't. That's the topic of this thread.
OK you are right.
Thank you for your patience.
I did not see it because this number don’t really speak to me :)But there should be 2 numbers for each exposure category according to this information.
@idefix37 All good! Thank you for your help. Just putting this out there as something simple that the Windy team could implement quickly and would greatly improve the experience with the UV index.